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Spike's court

(Autor blogu: Erna | Zobrazit přehled článků blogu)

Spike's Court....

He was my first Dutch greyhound from a Dutch track. I adopted him as a one year old, very neglected boy( In 1995) He was with me for 13 years.  This name is a tribute to him. He was a beautiful little Sand  Man.

Another black beauty to come !!

článek ze dne: 04. 06. 2010

I have made my decision for adopting a wonderful black beauty from Ireland. I had noticed her for quite a while. Lucky and her colleques are busy  with making all the arrangements needed for this adoption. At the end of june she will arrive in Holland.

Her transport seemed like a puzzle, but Lucky came up with a greyt solution!

I feel so proud that this grey girl is coming to live with us. She can await a wonderful life with plenty of TLC, long walks through the woods and two comfortable couches to sleep on.  Even the opportunity to go off lead safely.

Forever away from kennels.

She is seven years old, and 1 emotional aspect of this adoption is that she has the same birthday as my grandfather's. I loved him very, very much. 

I have made my arrangements for work, so there is much time to spend with the pack so she can get used to her new life and also learning her to feel comfortable when I am away for a while.

Venus.........if you should know what we are planning for you, dear girl..............




obrázek 139

Komentáře k článku

Happy Ends?
(Lucky, 04. 06. 2010)

You know what, dear Erna...? I love happy ends and hate sad movies Wink

I am happy as much as you are this little one is coming home soon... ! Smile

happy ..
(tereyska, 07. 06. 2010)

.. she know.. hoplfy : ) what is is waiting for her here Smile


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